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My eye pillow has been an added source of support

I would like you to know that I was gifted an eye pillow about a year ago and used it on occasions, although for the past four months as I have undergone chemotherapy I have reached for my eye pillow as a constant companion throughout this time. My eye pillow has been an added source of support, particularly as I have been challenged more than usual, to tap into that deeper stillness to allow my body to do what it does best - 'heal'. I have no doubt that the positive feedback I get from my Professor and the nursing staff is a reflection from using these services and products.

My neighbour has seen how it has supported me and has asked me to order her one, and the other is for my daughter who has just commenced nursing and is struggling getting used to the late and early shifts. I hope she will love hers as much as I do and my other daughter who doesn't leave home without hers!

Thank you for making available such supportive and loving products.

With love, Frances

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